The People

BUILD operates on a flat structure with independent programmes in different places. Some operate at a ‘provincial’ level (across an Anglican church under its overall archbishop); others at a more regional level; with still others at a diocesan or local level. Coordinators oversee programmes, and help manage and lead the training. Some of the key individuals are noted below.

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Canon Stephen has been instrumental in co-developing the BUILD training initiative in the Church of Uganda and has been a driving force behind it. Stephen has a life-long passion for training leaders at the grassroots, both from when serving in parishes and as an Archdeacon, and through leading the BUILD Unit from 2005 as Provincial BUILD Officer in the COU’s Education Directorate. Stephen spearheaded the development of the BUILD Curriculum in partnership with Jem Hovil and the wider team (see Our Trustees). That, in turn, led to the establishment of the formal block-release programme at Uganda Martyrs Seminary, a model for other programmes elsewhere. Stephen has also led the way in sharing the work further afield, through visits to Burundi, Congo, Rwanda, Tanzania, and South Sudan. Stephen shares regularly on his local Namirembe FM, using BUILD to encourage others as they shape their preaching. His MA in Theology is from Uganda Christian University. Stephen is married to Joyce, lives in Entebbe, and has five children and six grandchildren.

Daniel has been involved in BUILD for well over a decade, encouraging the work in various Church of Uganda dioceses and at Uganda Martyrs Seminary. There he has been key both in the BUILD curriculum development process and in developing the formal Diploma in Bible, Theology and Leadership, including on the accreditation side. Daniel also serves with SEAN (Study by Extension for All Nations) an extension programme with a focus on discipleship, which works hand-in-hand with BUILD. His work with SEAN is not only as the lead in Uganda but as their Africa Coordinator – in the course of that work BUILD has opened doors for SEAN and SEAN for BUILD. Daniel has been supporting Canon Stephen’s ministry for many years, and they travel together regularly – that has included trips to Burundi, Congo, Rwanda, Tanzania, and South Sudan on SEAN and BUILD business. From 2023 Daniel has been a more formal part of the BUILD COU staff as Assistant Provincial BUILD Officer. Daniel lives not far from Kampala, is married to Rebecca and they have two children, as well as other dependents.

Benjamin has pioneered the development of BUILD in Kenya. As described under The Countries, the work began in Butere Diocese in the west of Kenya from 2014, when Benjamin was serving as Education Coordinator for the diocese. That included pioneering the training at the African Institute for Contemporary Mission and Research (AICMAR), and the development of the formal diploma training there and its accreditation by St Paul’s University. With BUILD trainees also coming from Tanzania to AICMAR, and with opportunities in neighbouring countries Benjamin’s travel with BUILD has included time in Ethiopia, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda. Benjamin was operating as a cross-cultural mission partner in Butere and returned to Nairobi in 2020, where he continues as Missionary Clergy of Butere Diocese, a Local Partner of CMS-Africa, and as Coordinator for BUILD in the Anglican Church of Kenya. Benjamin is a PhD candidate at St Paul’s University, Limuru, having recently completed an MA in Theology and an MA in Organisational Leadership. Benjamin is married to Miriam and has two children.

Sammy first experienced BUILD through being part of an AICMAR diploma cohort, which helped to prepare him for his degree studies in theology at Uganda Christian University. Sammy has served not only as a Parish Priest but as Youth Coordinator for the Western Region of the Anglican Church of Kenya. He came on board as a dedicated BUILD worker in 2021 with the pioneering of the work in Gambella Diocese in the west of Ethiopia. Sammy now travels to Ethiopia regularly as the BUILD programme coordinator for the diocese and as BUILD course director for the St Frumentius Anglican Theological College there. He remains Clergy of Butere Diocese and a Local Partner of CMS-Africa, and also serves in a part-time capacity as Assistant BUILD Coordinator in the Anglican Church of Kenya. Sammy is married to Vicky and lives not far from Butere.

Mrs Mercy Mungai is originally from Kenya but has lived and served in Tanzania since first visiting the country on a mission while at Bible College in Nakuru, Kenya. Mercy went to Uganda to do her BUILD-based Diploma in Bible, Theology and Leadership as part of the 2014-2016 block-release cohort, and as part of her course began to translate the ten modules into Swahili an endeavour she has recently helped to complete. That translation work also took her to Congo with the BUILD Church of Uganda team to help with training events, so like others in the team she has regional experience. Most recently she has been serving as the BUILD Zone Coordinator for the BUILD Lake Zone training initiative. For that she remains based in Mwanza but travels elsewhere in that Anglican Church of Tanzania organisational zone, including to lead block-release and day-release training at the Mission and Evangelism Training Centre in Shinyanga Diocese and the Nyakato Bible College in Mwanza. Mercy is married to Joseph and has three children.

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